

In today’s Digital times, FinTech is Dynamic. All platforms are constantly changing, and so are their milestones. We have different customer-centric projects under the Golden Legand Umbrella with different milestones and missions. With the core business of the NBFC, we are trying to reach the Indian small business population who are into lending to provide them with a comprehensive digital platform to organise their business and make a loan cooperative for expanding their customer base.

With our Projects like,and, We are trying to provide consumers with a user-friendly solution to conduct their day-to-day digital transactions most efficiently and economically. Our platforms, like and, will provide secured and seamless investment in crypto and international funds transfer globally. We are developing the world’s first hybrid financial switch system and routing mechanism. For the first time, the integration of banking and eCommerce switch platforms is developed as a single cloud-based platform that removes the extra spending of banks and financial organisations on a large array of servers. This solution is available on the SAS model, fully cloud-based and in a pay-per-use format. Unlike our competitors in India and worldwide, all our platforms are secured with the latest PCI-DSS security format and compliant with the latest updated compliance of the federal banks and monitoring organisations of the specific countries where these platforms are used. In India, our Switch comes with OSS, AML, and eKYC modules to help cooperative banks and NBFCs to operate smoothly without the added hassle. We enjoy being a step ahead of our competitors in technological development, as a significant portion of our revenue is used for the research and development of these platforms.
